Nick Todino
Current Position: Graduate Engineer
Hire Date: May 1, 2017
Hired as an intern? Yes
Other titles held: Intern
What made you decide to join AEW?
UDM required 3 civil related internships prior to graduation. I was eager to learn about the industry and learn valuable skills.
Do you remember how you felt when you started at AEW?
Eager to learn
What were your career goals then compared to now?
Career goals have not changed. Pass PE exam, become licensed engineer, transition to PM.
What advice would you give to college students focusing on Civil / Architecture / Survey?
Be clear about what you want, there may be opportunity to work on projects / tasks that actually interest you.
What do you consider the biggest accomplishment of your career to date?
Becoming PASER certified and working with several communities to apply for grants complete ratings.