New PRV’s Installed in Fraser
Posted on April 23, 2021

One of the three new Pressure Reducing Valves being installed in Fraser.
The City of Fraser has historically experienced fluctuating, and often excessive pressures from the City’s water provider, the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), and AEW has partnered with the City to install three Pressure Reducing Valves (PRV) to help resolve this long-standing problem.
Bricco Excavating is the contractor, and work began on the $1.15 million project in the fall of 2020. The valves are installed in protective vaults at each of the city’s connections to their GLWA metered water feeds along 14 Mile Road, near the intersections of Hayes Road, Garfield Road, and Groesbeck Highway.
Water pressure from the GLWA ranges from 70 to 90 pounds per square inch (PSI). The pressure-reducing valves are installed to lower the GLWA water pressure, keep it in a consistent range, and help to prevent water main breaks.