Progress Being Made on Clinton Twp. Path & Bridge Project
Posted on April 23, 2021

Construction equipment is working both topside and at the Clinton River bank.

Work is progressing on an important shared-use pathway and bridge project that will serve to provide improved safety and accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists on the south side of Cass Avenue, between Clinton River Road and Moravian Drive. The approximately one mile project also includes enhancements to the bridge crossing the Clinton River that will provide a wider and safer walkway for this busy area that helps to link an existing pathway network originating at the Township’s Civic Center to connect trail users to George George Park and the City of Mt. Clemens.
The project consists of a new trail way along portions of Clinton River Road, Cass Avenue, and Moravian Drive needing pathways and sidewalks. It includes a new asphalt path along Clinton River Road from Canal Road to Clinton River Road, a new 10-ft. wide walkway on the Cass Avenue Bridge, a new 8-ft. wide sidewalk along Cass Avenue from Clinton River Road to Moravian Drive, and a new 10-wide asphalt pathway along Moravian Drive from Cass Avenue to George George Park.

Work is progressing on an important shared-use pathway and bridge project that will serve to provide improved safety and accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists on the south side of Cass Avenue, between Clinton River Road and Moravian Drive. The approximately one mile project also includes enhancements to the bridge crossing the Clinton River that will provide a wider and safer walkway for this busy area that helps to link an existing pathway network originating at the Township’s Civic Center to connect trail users to George George Park and the City of Mt. Clemens.
The project consists of a new trail way along portions of Clinton River Road, Cass Avenue, and Moravian Drive needing pathways and sidewalks. It includes a new asphalt path along Clinton River Road from Canal Road to Clinton River Road, a new 10-ft. wide walkway on the Cass Avenue Bridge, a new 8-ft. wide sidewalk along Cass Avenue from Clinton River Road to Moravian Drive, and a new 10-wide asphalt pathway along Moravian Drive from Cass Avenue to George George Park.