Ribbon Cutting Officially Opens the New Bridge at Lake Front Park
Posted on April 26, 2021

AEW Engineer Ross Wilberding, Dan Salkowski and Graham Korneffel, of contractor EC Korneffel Co., Council Members Thomas Vaughn and Angela Coletti Brown, Mayor Art Bryant, Mayor Pro Tem Victoria Granger, Council Members Todd McConaghy and Michael Koester, City Administrator Bruce Smith, Director of Public Services Frank Schulte, Parks & Rec Supervisor Nicole Gerhart, and AEW Exec. VP Scott Lockwood.
The new Grosse Pointe Woods bridge at Lake Front Park is both beautiful and functional, and will serve to safely transport pedestrians and vehicles for many years to come.
The bridge was officially opened on April 17 with a Ribbon Cutting attended by city officials, contractor representatives, members of the public, and AEW team members Scott Lockwood, PE, AEW Exec. VP, and Ross Wilberding, PE.
The former bridge was inspected by AEW’s Structural Engineer Kevin Zauel, PE, and it was determined that the wooden structure had reached its lifespan, and had limited time before it would no longer be functional. City leaders, with Frank Schulte, Director of Public Services, having a lead role in the project assessed the bridge condition reports, and decided to move forward with a new concrete bridge. Construction began last December
Kevin and AEW’s structural team designed the structural components of the bridge, and Ross assisted with contract administration, project management and project oversight.