Clinton Township’s Normandy Park Receives SEMCOG “Green Infrastructure” Grant
Posted on June 25, 2019

AEW’s Scott Chabot, PE, Senior Project Engineer, and the firm’s liaison to our client Clinton Township, working with Mary W. Bednar, PE, CFM, the Township’s Director of Public Services, completed a successful SEMCOG Grant Application resulting in the organization awarding a $46,000 grant for “Normandy Park Pathway Improvements with Green Infrastructure” to the Township.
From SEMCOG: “Congratulations! SEMCOG’s Regional Review Committee has approved your Green Infrastructure Implementation Program project for FY2020.”
Normandy is a very popular 17-acre park on Little Mack Ave. in the Township, and hosts a basketball court, Magic Square, comfort station, playground apparatus, pavilion, nature trail, large parking lot, electrical outlet, horseshoe pits, charcoal grills, park benches and a drinking fountain.
Scott is accomplished in creating successful grant and loan applications that include LWCF Tree Canopy, MNRTF, ARRA, TAP, Safe Routes to Schools, S2, SAW, SRF, and EECBG programs. Our team at AEW is always available to assist your community with grant writing applications, please contact us.