Historical Marker Unveiling
Posted on June 23, 2022

A team of dedicated volunteers, including AEW GIS Specialist and Historian Anthony Kowalchick, worked for the past six years with the Michigan Historical Center to achieve the new marker that serves to preserve the history and generosity of Elizabeth and Allan Shelden II, and their Green Hill Farm, now a significant portion of Stony Creek Metropark.
Participants in the funding and installation of the new marker included the Huron-Clinton Metroparks Authority, Gary Hopp, District Park Superintendent, Oakland Township Historical Society, Oakland Township Historic District Commission, the Shelden Foundation, and the State of Michigan Historical Center that oversees the state’s Historical Marker Program.
Established by Michigan’s legislature and governor in 1955, the program now has more than 1,700 markers placed throughout the state, and in several other states and Europe. The site, while not easily accessible, is host to a number of weddings and other special occasions throughout the year.

These two photos show the site as it exists today; note the Historical Marker in the background. While not easily accessible, the site is host to a number of weddings and other special occasions throughout the year.