Ribbon Cutting Officially Opens Washington Township Fire Station #3
Posted on July 7, 2021

Attendees included Chief Bryan Tyrell, on the scissors, Supervisor Sam Previti, and at the right, the Township’s first full-time Fire Chief, Gerald Alward, who served as a chief for 25+ years.

Township officials selected this 1.2-acre site to better serve their growing township and nearby Stony Creek Metropark visitors on the township’s west side. The new three-bay station has approximately 8,000 sq. ft. and is staffed with three Paramedic Firefighters (one a Lieutenant). It’s currently housing an advanced life support ambulance, an engine fire truck, and a utility vehicle/pickup truck, and will soon have an ATV and rescue boat stationed there as well. The station also has access driveways to both 28 Mile and Mound Roads.
AEW was proud to perform the Architectural, Structural, and Civil Engineering, along with the Interior Design components of the facility, and our sub-contractor partner, Peter Basso Associates, handled the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and Plumbing work. Auch Construction served as the Construction Manager.
Matt Berge, Senior Licensed Architect, served a significant role in the design and management for the project, Juli Sala, PE, and Sydney Kanan, PE, handled the Civil Engineering, Kevin Zauel, PE, the Structural Engineering, and Anna Vigneron, Graduate Architect, the Interior Design.