Steve Krajnik Joins STARBASE Board of Directors
Posted on October 11, 2021

AEW Senior Project Manager Steve Krajnik was recently appointed to the Board of Directors of STARBASE, Inc., a U.S. Dept. of Defense program designed to inspire youth to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
Officially launched at Selfridge Air National Guard Base in 1991, the program is now offered in more than 50 locations across the country. As part of the program, participants stand nose-to-nose with cutting-edge military aircraft, become “astronauts” aboard a space shuttle nose simulator, create 3D models using CAD software, or program robots to navigate Mars.
Structured activities are provided by a base instructor, middle school counselor, and high school mentor. They challenge teams to create engineering solutions using EV3 Lego Robots, Modular Robotics Cubeletes, and other hands-on activities.
Steve is also a long-serving volunteer with Leadership Macomb, currently serving on their Board of Directors, and he has also served two terms as President of the organization, and is also a Director of the Michigan Air Guard Historical Association.