
Transforming Tools of Today

Posted on June 25, 2020

June, 2020 I love tools.  I always have.  I am lucky to have been married for 38 years, and it has all been great, except for one thing.  The Bridal Shower.  The blushing bride gets all sorts of cool kitchen tools, house cleaning tools and bathroom tools.  But what does that groom get? I got […]

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Who We Are: Architects

Posted on June 12, 2020

June, 2020 What people think architects do When talking about architects, most people imagine a circle-framed glasses wearing, Frank Lloyd Wright-esk designer, sketching out designs on napkins. These designs are pure works of art that someone else will have to figure out how to actually build into a complete structure. Many people also think that […]

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Field Applications Utilizing Collector for ArcGIS

Posted on June 4, 2020

June, 2020 Ah, the old pen and pad. For years the gold standard when it came to recording quantities and jotting down field notes that would eventually find their way to the GIS database, the medium certainly served its purpose. That is until a page was lost. Or until the pad was misplaced somewhere between […]

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Understanding Pressure Reducing Valves

Posted on May 27, 2020

May, 2020 Most of us who live in the Metro Detroit area enjoy the convenience of clean, reliable drinking water at the turn of a faucet. The local municipalities that we live and work in deliver water to our plumbing systems through vast underground pipe networks. WHERE DOES CLEAN WATER COME FROM? But where does […]

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Meet Our Authors

Posted on May 20, 2020

May, 2020 Welcome to Inside AEW – a blog created by our very own team members to pull back the curtain on the intricate world behind the many projects we complete on behalf of our clients. From paving a road to replacing a pipeline, to refreshing the look of the local police station, to collecting […]

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Clinton Township’s Normandy Park Receives SEMCOG “Green Infrastructure” Grant

Posted on June 25, 2019

AEW’s Scott Chabot, PE, Senior Project Engineer, and the firm’s liaison to our client Clinton Township, working with Mary W. Bednar, PE, CFM, the Township’s Director of Public Services, completed a successful SEMCOG Grant Application resulting in the organization awarding a $46,000 grant for “Normandy Park Pathway Improvements with Green Infrastructure” to the Township. From […]

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AEW Honored to Serve as Springfield Township’s Consulting Engineer

Posted on June 18, 2019

The Springfield Township Board of Trustees recently awarded a contract for the Township’s “General Civil and Municipal Engineering Services” to AEW. We’re honored to be selected as the Township’s Engineer, and look forward to serving the (almost) 14,000 residents, businesses and officials of this beautiful community in northwest Oakland County. Collin Walls is Supervisor, Laura […]

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Drinking Water is Vital, and AEW is Helping Maintain This Valuable Resource.

Posted on May 7, 2019

Michigan is home to more than 11,000 inland lakes, tens of thousands of miles of rivers and streams, 6.5 million acres of wetlands, 3,200 miles of Great Lakes shoreline, 74,000 acres of coastal dunes, and vast groundwater resources. Your community’s water is supplied from one of thirteen places (excluding wells). Check the link below to […]

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Water Operators are Critical in Protecting the Quality of Our Drinking Water

Posted on May 7, 2019

Have you ever wondered who’s held responsible for the drinking water in your community? The simple answer is, a water operator! Safe Drinking Water Act, PA 399, declares that a water works system shall be under the supervision of an operator. An operator is a public servant recognized by the State, whom is academically qualified […]

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New Pressure Reducing Valve Installed in Clinton Township

Posted on May 7, 2019

AEW Senior Project Engineer, Lyle Winn, consults with on-site personnel on the project’s progress. This new valve is being installed to reduce water pressures from the GLWA supply upstream of the valve, typically in the range of 70-90 pounds per square inch (PSI), and the Township’s supply lines which operate best at a fairly consistent […]

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AEW Helps to Bring New Public Safety Building to Macomb Twp.

Posted on July 24, 2018

AEW is proud and honored to add the new police and fire Public Safety Building coming to Macomb Township to our growing list of municipal building projects. Our team performed the architectural design, structural and civil engineering, and survey services on the 37,000 sq. ft. building that is budgeted to cost approximately $12 million. In […]

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Chronicle of Anderson, Eckstein and Westrick, Inc.

Posted on April 17, 2018

Gary Leideker and Fred Huysentruyt reviewing some plans in the early 1970’s. Way back in the 1960s, Warren Anderson, known to acquaintances as “Andy,” had thoughts of beginning his own engineering firm, but it was a somewhat daunting task. He was already employed as Macomb County’s Highway Engineer by what was then known as the […]

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